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Beginners Piano
Introduction (1:05)
Basics: Middle C and the Stave
1 - The Piano Keyboard (2:04)
2 - Middle C on the Music (2:16)
3 - Bars & Time Signatures (2:14)
4 - Middle C in the Treble (2:13)
5 - Middle C in the Bass (2:25)
Quiz Number 1
Learning the notes C, D, B. Semibreves, Minims and Crotchets
6 - Grandfather's Clock (2:17)
7 - Moccasin Dance (2:21)
8 - Worksheet Number 1 (2:12)
9 - The Train (2:10)
10 - The Seabées (2:19)
Quiz Number 2
Learning the notes E and A. Dotted Minims
11 - Worksheet Number 2 (2:12)
12 - March of the Gnomes (2:14)
13 - Dance of the Gnomes (2:17)
14 - Mary Had a Little Lamb (2:11)
15 - The Paratrooper (2:19)
Quiz Number 3
Learning the note G with the left hand. Hands coordination
16 - Marching Up and Down (2:16)
17 - Rag-Time Raggles (2:15)
18 - Worksheet Number 3 (2:23)
19 - The Chimes (2:16)
20 - Funny Faces (2:21)
Quiz Number 4
Learning the note F with the right hand. Rests
21 - Old MacDonald (2:19)
22 - Rests (2:13)
23 - Blow The Man Down (2:16)
24 - The Church Organ (2:20)
25 - Yankee Doodle (2:27)
Quiz Number 5
Learning the note G with the right hand. Ties
26 - Carry Me Back To Old Virginny (2:28)
27 - The Old Cotton Picker (2:22)
28 - Theme from 'New World' Symphony (2:14)
29 - Bugles! (2:15)
30 - Row, Row (2:28)
Quiz Number 6
Learning the note F with the left hand. Hands coordination
31 - Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen (2:30)
32 - In a Rickshaw (2:22)
33 - The Banjo Picker (2:13)
34 - Princess Waltz (2:26)
35 - Worksheet Number 4 (2:44)
Quiz Number 7
14 - Mary Had a Little Lamb
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